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ModSecurity - ubuntu server 12.10 X64 Problem

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  • ModSecurity - ubuntu server 12.10 X64 Problem


    من یک سرور در یک شبکه راه اندازی کردم وبعدش هم طبق راهنمای زیر modsecurity رو نصب کردم :

    وقتی کاملا نصب شد :
    SecRuleEngine On قرار دادم و سپس با acunetix تست زدم ولی تا اومد شروع به کار کنه ارور ۴۰۳ داد و صفحه forbiden شد نه تنها برای خودم بلکه برای همه و هر کسی که می خواسا وارد سایت بشه و بازدید کنه !!!
    SecRuleEngine DetectOnly گذاشتم و با acunrtix تست کردم و همه چی باز و اسکن میشد و ... انگار نه انگار که modsecurity نصب و کانفیگ شده !! حالا سوال من اینه که چطور میتونم کاری کنم که On باشه و فقط کسی که داره اسکن می کنه و یا قصد ... داره بلاک بشه .

    ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید.
    این هم کافیگ :
    ErrorDocument 403 "<center><h2> Attention!!"
    # if user is blocked (var block=1), log and return http 403
    SecRule ip:block "@eq 1" "phase:1,deny,log,logdata:'req/sec: %{ip.requests}, blocks: %{ip.blocks}',status:403"
    # if user was blocked more than 5 times (var blocks>5), log and return http 403
    SecRule ip:blocks "@ge 5" "phase:1,deny,log,logdata:'req/sec: %{ip.requests}, blocks: %{ip.blocks}',status:443"
    # if there where more than 5 requests per second for this IP
    # set var block to 1 (expires in 5 seconds) and increase var blocks by one (expires in an hour)
    SecRule ip:requests "@eq 5" "phase:1,pass,nolog,setvar:ip.block=1,expirevar:ip .block=5,setvar:ip.blocks=+1,expirevar:ip.blocks=3 600"
    # ignore requests from localhost or some other IP
    SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "^127\.0\.0\.1$" "phase:1,nolog,allow"
    # for all non static urls count requests per second per ip
    # (increase var requests by one, expires in 1 second)
    SecRule REQUEST_BASENAME "!(\.avi$|\.bmp$|\.css$|\.doc$|\.flv$|\.gif$|\
    "phase:1,nolog,pass,initcol:ip=%{REMOTE_ADDR},setv ar:ip.requests=+1,expirevar:ip.requests=1"

    # -- Rule engine initialization ----------------------------------------------

    # Enable ModSecurity, attaching it to every transaction. Use detection
    # only to start with, because that minimises the chances of post-installation
    # disruption.
    SecRuleEngine DetectionOnly
    #SecRuleEngine On
    SecRule REQUEST_URI attack
    # -- Request body handling ---------------------------------------------------
    # Allow ModSecurity to access request bodies. If you don't, ModSecurity
    # won't be able to see any POST parameters, which opens a large security
    # hole for attackers to exploit.
    SecRequestBodyAccess On

    # Enable XML request body parser.
    # Initiate XML Processor in case of xml content-type
    SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "text/xml" \
    "phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:request BodyProcessor=XML"

    # Maximum request body size we will accept for buffering. If you support
    # file uploads then the value given on the first line has to be as large
    # as the largest file you are willing to accept. The second value refers
    # to the size of data, with files excluded. You want to keep that value as
    # low as practical.
    SecRequestBodyLimit 13107200
    SecRequestBodyNoFilesLimit 131072

    # Store up to 128 KB of request body data in memory. When the multipart
    # parser reachers this limit, it will start using your hard disk for
    # storage. That is slow, but unavoidable.
    SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 131072

    # What do do if the request body size is above our configured limit.
    # Keep in mind that this setting will automatically be set to ProcessPartial
    # when SecRuleEngine is set to DetectionOnly mode in order to minimize
    # disruptions when initially deploying ModSecurity.
    SecRequestBodyLimitAction Reject

    # Verify that we've correctly processed the request body.
    # As a rule of thumb, when failing to process a request body
    # you should reject the request (when deployed in blocking mode)
    # or log a high-severity alert (when deployed in detection-only mode).
    SecRule REQBODY_ERROR "!@eq 0" \
    "phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:400,msg:'Faile d to parse request body.',logdata:'%{reqbody_error_msg}',severity:2"

    # By default be strict with what we accept in the multipart/form-data
    # request body. If the rule below proves to be too strict for your
    # environment consider changing it to detection-only. You are encouraged
    # _not_ to remove it altogether.
    SecRule MULTIPART_STRICT_ERROR "!@eq 0" \
    "phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:44,msg:'Multip art request body \
    failed strict validation: \

    # Did we see anything that might be a boundary?
    "phase:2,t:none,log,deny,status:44,msg:'Multip art parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.'"

    # PCRE Tuning
    # We want to avoid a potential RegEx DoS condition
    SecPcreMatchLimit 1000
    SecPcreMatchLimitRecursion 1000

    # Some internal errors will set flags in TX and we will need to look for these.
    # All of these are prefixed with "MSC_". The following flags currently exist:
    # MSC_PCRE_LIMITS_EXCEEDED: PCRE match limits were exceeded.
    SecRule TX:/^MSC_/ "!@streq 0" \
    "phase:2,t:none,deny,msg:'ModSecurity internal error flagged: %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME}'"

    # -- Response body handling --------------------------------------------------

    # Allow ModSecurity to access response bodies.
    # You should have this directive enabled in order to identify errors
    # and data leakage issues.
    # Do keep in mind that enabling this directive does increases both
    # memory consumption and response latency.
    SecResponseBodyAccess On
    # Which response MIME types do you want to inspect? You should adjust the
    # configuration below to catch documents but avoid static files
    # (e.g., images and archives).
    SecResponseBodyMimeType text/plain text/html text/xml

    # Buffer response bodies of up to 512 KB in length.
    SecResponseBodyLimit 524288

    # What happens when we encounter a response body larger than the configured
    # limit? By default, we process what we have and let the rest through.
    # That's somewhat less secure, but does not break any legitimate pages.
    SecResponseBodyLimitAction ProcessPartial

    # -- Filesystem configuration ------------------------------------------------

    # The location where ModSecurity stores temporary files (for example, when
    # it needs to handle a file upload that is larger than the configured limit).
    # This default setting is chosen due to all systems have /tmp available however,
    # this is less than ideal. It is recommended that you specify a location that's private.
    SecTmpDir /tmp/

    # The location where ModSecurity will keep its persistent data. This default setting
    # is chosen due to all systems have /tmp available however, it
    # too should be updated to a place that other users can't access.
    SecDataDir /tmp/

    # -- File uploads handling configuration -------------------------------------

    # The location where ModSecurity stores intercepted uploaded files. This
    # location must be private to ModSecurity. You don't want other users on
    # the server to access the files, do you?
    #SecUploadDir /opt/modsecurity/var/upload/

    # By default, only keep the files that were determined to be unusual
    # in some way (by an external inspection ******). For this to work you
    # will also need at least one file inspection rule.
    #SecUploadKeepFiles RelevantOnly

    # Uploaded files are by default created with permissions that do not allow
    # any other user to access them. You may need to relax that if you want to
    # interface ModSecurity to an external program (e.g., an anti-virus).
    #SecUploadFileMode 0600

    # -- Debug log configuration -------------------------------------------------

    # The default debug log configuration is to duplicate the error, warning
    # and notice messages from the error log.
    #SecDebugLog /opt/modsecurity/var/log/debug.log
    SecDebugLogLevel 3

    # -- Audit log configuration -------------------------------------------------

    # Log the transactions that are marked by a rule, as well as those that
    # trigger a server error (determined by a 5xx or 4xx, excluding 404,
    # level response status codes).
    #SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
    SecAuditEngine On
    SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^(?:5|4(?!04))"

    # Log everything we know about a transaction.
    SecAuditLogParts ABIJDEFHZ

    # Use a single file for logging. This is much easier to look at, but
    # assumes that you will use the audit log only ocassionally.
    SecAuditLogType Serial
    SecAuditLog /var/log/apache2/modsec_audit.log

    # Specify the path for concurrent audit logging.
    #SecAuditLogStorageDir /opt/modsecurity/var/audit/

    # -- Miscellaneous -----------------------------------------------------------

    # Use the most commonly used application/x-www-form-urlencoded parameter
    # separator. There's probably only one application somewhere that uses
    # something else so don't expect to change this value.
    SecArgumentSeparator &

    # Settle on version 0 (zero) ****ies, as that is what most applications
    # use. Using an incorrect ****ie version may open your installation to
    # evasion attacks (against the rules that examine named ****ies).
    Sec****ieFormat 0
    # Stop Layer 7 Slow Request Attacks
    SecReadStateLimit 5
    Last edited by 3v1l; 01-06-2013, 06:00 AM.
    الهی به امید تو

  • #2
    ruleهات رو نگاه نکردم اما از رول های gotroot استفاده کنی کارت راه میفته
    ! Security is never Complete


    • #3
      خواستی با هزینه رول مربوطه را برات می نویسم.
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